Write for Us

We appreciate bloggers and businesses that publish their content with us when it is high-quality and valuable. In exchange, we promote your material across all of our social media platforms and on our website. By using Curious-Explorer, you may connect with a larger audience that is impatiently awaiting to read excellent articles. You can contribute to our blogs on technology, health, lifestyle, sports, and future tech.

To share with our readers, we are constantly looking for excellent material. Please send us your blog post submissions if you believe they would be a suitable match for our website.

What We Search For:

We are seeking blog pieces that are relevant to our readership, well-written, informative, and entertaining. We favor articles that are at least 1,500 words and no more than 3,000 words long.

Your article should contain:

  • A captivating title that sums up your post’s content.
  • A succinct and straightforward opening that highlights the key ideas in your piece.
  • Logically structured body paragraphs that back up your thesis.
  • A compelling ending that highlights your post’s important takeaways and leaves the reader with things to consider.
  • Useful pictures and/or movies to support your arguments.

Formatting and Submission Guidelines:

  • Google Docs are preferred for posting.
  • Your title should be formatted as follows: Name: [Your Title] – [Your Name]
  • At the conclusion of your post, include a short bio.
  • Please don’t post any links that promote yourself.
  • To submit your article please send it to writeforus@curious-explorer.com.


Your content should be free from grammatical mistakes and plagiarism. After you submit your content, it will be tested for a grammatical & plagiarism check.

That after getting posted on our website the content shall become the property of Curious Explorer.

We anticipate hearing from you!

Team-Curious Explorer,

June 25, 2023